My goal is Simple. to lower taxes in a time where cost of living is going up every day. to find ways to get fuel in this state that is cheaper to lower cost. bring in business and MFG to create jobs of substance. to reduce the burdonsome regulation on trades to make it easier to perform and provide to ones family. and to block any and all gun legislation since it cleary violates the second ammendment of NH Constitution.
Based on my limited understanding, My stance is to keep Gunstock run as it is by county, there is no need to change anything as long as it is solvant and has no problems. also even if there are any issues I believe having it run by county is a good model as it should keep ticket prices down which allows lower income people also enjoy. I disagree with why everthing was turned upside down. It appears that there were bad players with personal interest on either side that did not do things logically.
I am sure that there are things that could be done, however without information and knowledge on this issue I can not answer this question.
Just that hire well qualified people not based on DEI but based on who is most qualified. also working with local NHES offices closely to find applicants. Government jobs are attractive based on benefits. one thing is to make sure that the benefits still stay competitive. Latley unions and other officials have been undermining those benefits that make government work attractive. there are better ways to negotiate new contracts, unions are causing these issues.
It should not be privatized, especially the county Jail system. I was a correction officer for several years, and i am somewhat familiar with private systems. having “public pivate” parternships are bad on so many levels. accountability is almost impossible more so than when run by the government.
Sell it and use money to offsett taxes. I would be open to suggestions.
Part of the issue of drug use is lack of options and or econmical. the best way to change this is have good paying jobs and opertunities that produce purpose and direction. also introducing religion and morals.
Knowing the constitution and understanding that certain things are unlawful for you to institute regardless of political pressure. Becuase if we do not honor the cardinal rules as legislators how can the public trust and also be expected to follow laws and rules of society.
Making sure that we spend money to operate within the budget that we have and not increase and cause increases in taxes. becuase as we increase taxes and spending, we also see increase in cost of living becuase all business have to increase cost to cover additional tax burdens.
Smaller. it seems that and no one can argue that gov has gotten bigger, it appears that most of out problems have also gotten larger as well.
already answered
I have worked in both state and county government for almost 20 years I know how gov operates, I have seen problems and bahaviors. I also know the good it can do but it needs to be rained in both parties need to change thinking.
I have lived in the county since 2018. I am born and raised in NH. I know small business, state government, My mother was a nurse for fourty years and am familiar with most apsects of the state and Government.